Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nintendo Wants You to Waste Money on Another Useless Remote

IGN is reporting that the new Wii Remote Plus is a go. So get ready to discard your Wii Remote and Motion Plus add on (don't get mad you only spent $40-$50 on them) and get ready to shell out more money for a new remote. It's not like the Motion Plus add on wasn't useful. We had what 3 or 4 games we could use it on. It seems like a wise move.  At least we are not in a recession!

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced at a press briefing in Japan last night the existence of the Wii Remote Plus, a combination of the Wii Remote and Wii MotionPlus peripheral. "For the convenience of the users, Nintendo is developing Wii Remote Plus, which integrates Wii Remote and Wii MotionPlus," Iwata said. "We will announce the details of this controller on our web sites and through other media at some later date."

1 comment:

  1. this just makes sense and should have been released at the same time as the motion plus.
