Tony Sims of Wired recently posted about Dorling Kindersley’s attempt to break the world record for the largest Lego Mosaic in London.
The bricks have been counted and the size of the mosaic has been measured, and it has been confirmed that DK and the LEGO Group have broken a Guinness World Record for the largest image built with interlocking plastic bricks, to celebrate the launch of the latest in DK’s LEGO Brickmaster Books series!
Nearly 2000 visitors, young and old came along to help build this fantastic creation, and with the help and guidance from the Brickish Association and DK team, the mosaic was finished in at lunchtime on Monday, October 25th.
Congrats to DK, Lego and all the volunteers that assisted in building this beautiful masterpiece. Now if I could get some volunteers to help me put together my sons Lego Death Star.
via: DK and GeekDad
Friday, October 29, 2010
Battle of the Lantern Corps Pumpkins - Which is Cooler?
Today we present to you an epic battle between two incredibly cool sets of Halloween pumpkins carved in the shape of the symbols of the various lantern corps.
The first was done by Grace Belancik (a.k.a. DeviantArt user RocketGirluvsUkitake) who was creative enough to branch out beyond pumpkins and instead find either colored pumpkins or other foods that were the appropriate color for each corps.
The second set was sent to us by Jillian Sarro who made them with her boyfriend. (by the way dude, nice catch. Hold on to her for that Wonder Woman costume alone). They found away to have each of their lantern corps pumpkins lit up inside with the appropriate color for each corps. Can you spot the Black Lantern Corps pumpkin? Didn't think so.
The brain trust behind gfest is officially split between which set is the coolest. So we decided to settle the bet by throwing it open to you. Tell us in the comment section which one you think is cooler.
New Tron: Legacy Clip of Olivia Wilde Driving a Go-Kart
Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), a man once known as the world's leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the abandoned Flynn's Arcade—that could have only come from his father—he finds himself pulled into a world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Quorra (Olivia Wilde), father and son embark on a life-or-death journey across a visually-stunning digital universe—created by Kevin himself—which has become far more advanced with never-before-imagined vehicles, weapons, and landscapes and a ruthless villain who will stop at nothing to prevent their escape.Tron: Legacy is scheduled for release on December 17, 2010 (US and Canada).
via: Walt Disney
Thursday, October 28, 2010
First Look at Chris Evans in His Captain America Costume
Entertainment Weekly released the first look at Chris Evans in one of the most famous costumes in all of comic books, Captain America. The entire costume is not viewable from the cover of EW, but from the picture, I very much like what I see. The shield looks cool as well. The chinks in it make it look very authentic. If you're a fan of Captain America you have to be happy that Joe Johnston got the costume right. To read the entire article from Entertainment Weekly click on either of the links above.
What do you think? Did they get it right?
What do you think? Did they get it right?
Tom Hardy To Play Harvey Bullock In Batman 3: "The Dark Knight Rises"?
It seems like everyday a new Batman 3 nugget is released into cyberspace. Yesterday, we received the wonderful news that the third film in Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise finally has a title, “The Dark Knight Rises.” We also learned from Nolan that the Riddler is NOT the villain in Batman 3. So much for the rumor that Tom Hardy will pay the Riddler. If Hardy is not the Riddler, what role will he have in the "Dark Knight Rises?"
Well IMBD updated their cast list for TDKR
with Tom Hardy listed as Detective Harvey Bullock (rumored of course). Is this accurate or hoax? Comic Book Movie gives us their take on the IMBD rumor, "I realize
this must be taken for what it is. IMDB don't even post any news source
for the info. But the thing is, once in a blue moon they actually get a
few things right. IMDB had actor JJ Field listed as Montgomery
Falsworth(Union Jack) in Captain America TFA before any other news site did, and that has since been confirmed. So I figured this was worth reporting on the off chance."
I think Hardy would play a good Bullock. Put a some fat on his bones, stick a cigar in his mouth, a fedora on his head, a sandwich in his hand and he may will be a perfect Bullock.
What do you think? Is this a good role for Hardy knowing that the Riddler will not be the villain in the new Nolan movie? Let us know.
via: comic book movie
The History of Batman Symbol Makes me Batty
TheDoLittle at 9GAG posted this simple but fascinating picture (or scribble) entitled, "The History of Bats." It is such a simple piece of art but yet it is so mesmerizing. If you look close enough you can make-out various Batman symbols through the years. Truly amazing. I could not find the original artist, please let us know whom to give credit where credit is definitely due.
Slave Leia Terminator Halloween Costume
Gizmodo is currently running a Sexy Robot Costume Contest, which is nothing short of brilliant. While we don't know who the winner will eventually be, we sure know where gfest's votes are going.
We proudly present the Slave Princess Leia Terminator costume, which brilliantly mashes up two of science fiction's best franchises. George Lucas wishes he could think of something this cool.
All entries to the contest are posted on their Facebook page, where you can vote on your favorite robots by "liking" them. Although we dare you to find one sexier than Leia.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Now Zoidberg is the Popular One - Best Dr. Zoidberg Halloween Costumes
I was thinking of my favorite television characters and it hit my, "Why Not Zoidberg?"
You can't think of Futurama without our favorite crustacean Dr. John A. Zoidberg. In honor of my love for Decapodian's most famous son, I thought it was time to honor him with a few photos of earthlings attempting to be Dr. Zoidberg.
"Woop, Woop, Woop, Woop." Hooray!
You can't think of Futurama without our favorite crustacean Dr. John A. Zoidberg. In honor of my love for Decapodian's most famous son, I thought it was time to honor him with a few photos of earthlings attempting to be Dr. Zoidberg.
"Woop, Woop, Woop, Woop." Hooray!
Thanks to the Generous King for this Picture
Thanks to KnitPurl for this Picture
" And I'm his friend, Jesus!
" Thanks to LucerinRED for this picture
Thanks to Eric--Cartman for this picture
Thanks to cosplay for this picture
Just because it's funny. Picture by Blepharopsis
Thanks to Overweight Glob of Grease
Thanks to College Humor
Thanks to Yad. Craby
Thanks to Mixed Spleens
I know it's not Dr. Zoidberg but I do love the Robot Devil and this costume is fantastic. Thanks to minute_man_yancy_fry
My Fellow 999,999 Angry Bird Halloween Fans
I admit it. I am addicted to Angry Birds. I play it on my iPhone whenever I have a few minutes of down time. my second confession, I also purchased Angry Birds Halloween even though I knew it was the same game just different pictures. Third confession, I will also purchase an Angry Birds Christmas edition if they develop it (which after the Halloween numbers you know it's coming).
Finland-based developer Rovio announced its new release of Angry Birds Halloween for the iPhone, iPod and iPad was downloaded one million times on the Apple App Store in just six days.
"We're delighted too see such fantastic reception for Angry Birds Halloween," said Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio. "We intend to continue creating more and more quality products and updates, and keep exceeding the expectations of our fans worldwide."
Angry Birds Halloween was the first self-published title by the studio after publisher Chillingo was purchased by Electronic Arts last week.
via: IGN
Finland-based developer Rovio announced its new release of Angry Birds Halloween for the iPhone, iPod and iPad was downloaded one million times on the Apple App Store in just six days.
"We're delighted too see such fantastic reception for Angry Birds Halloween," said Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio. "We intend to continue creating more and more quality products and updates, and keep exceeding the expectations of our fans worldwide."
Angry Birds Halloween was the first self-published title by the studio after publisher Chillingo was purchased by Electronic Arts last week.
via: IGN
Jim Lee Admits That He Has Trouble Drawing Superman
Jim Lee and DC Comics have a new book coming out entitled the ICONS: The DC Comics and Wildstorm art of Jim Lee. It looks like one heck of a cool book, and you should go buy it HERE.
As part of the promotion surrounding the new book, Jim Lee is being asked all of the typical questions that you would suspect. But he certainly surprised us with his answer to the question of which character he has had trouble drawing by answering Superman.
Getting a peek inside the mind of the greatest artist in comics today is always fascinating. To see more of his interview with MTV, click HERE.
As part of the promotion surrounding the new book, Jim Lee is being asked all of the typical questions that you would suspect. But he certainly surprised us with his answer to the question of which character he has had trouble drawing by answering Superman.
LEE: Superman is the hardest character to draw. There are a couple of things that make him difficult. He’s got a very simple costume, and doesn’t have the long cape like Batman. He’s not a character that is necessarily always in shadow, and he doesn’t have a mask. He has to be Superman. He has to be the most grand, the most idealized form at all times, so he has to look powerful, but he can’t look bloated. His face has to look noble and handsome and rugged. It’s a war of subtleties. Every little change on that character makes a big difference in how he finally looks.Jim Lee's Superman drawing are nothing short of iconic, so it is a little more than surprising to hear him suggest that he struggles with him. You certainly wouldn't have guessed that based on the final product.
I think that I erase that character more than I draw that character, to be honest. He’s a character that doesn’t have the gloves, and doesn’t have the big boots, so you're really drawing sort of an idealized human form with a very simple costume. He’s got to be in a pose that suggests nobility. It's got to be a pose that suggests his idealized form, and it's tricky to do. Batman hunches over. He’s crouched and he’s in the shadows, so he’s in slightly more dynamic poses. Superman tends to stand very upright and he’s very symmetrical, and those are actually the most difficult poses for me to draw.
Getting a peek inside the mind of the greatest artist in comics today is always fascinating. To see more of his interview with MTV, click HERE.
Chris Pine of Star Trek Fame, the New Flash?
A couple of weeks ago it was reported that Bradley Cooper’s name is being zipped around at Speed-force rate in relation to “The Flash” and though Cooper may be my current fave to play the Scarlett Speedster it’s a given we’ll hear of a few more names that are in with a chance to play Barry Allen before Warner Bros makes their decision.
With the script still not finished (it’s due to be done by Christmas) it’s going to be quite a while before we hear anything solid on casting, but Moviehole is reporting another casting rumor has popped up. Apparently, Screen Rant let slip that rumors through the grapevine hint that the star of J.J. Abrams "Star Trek" movie, Chris Pine as a sought-after to play "The Flash"
Chris Pine, who is now involved in both the “Star Trek” and Jack Ryan franchises has his plate pretty full right now and may not have the time to commit to another franchise. I like Chris Pine, he did a decent job in "Star Trek", but I really do not see him playing The Flash. I am really betting on Bradley Cooper to play the Flash, he just fits the Barry Allen character in my mind.
“The Flash” is going to be a very different kinda superhero movie by sounds. Screenwriter Marc Guggenheim tells Newsarama that it’ll even encompass shades of… “Silence of the Lambs”!?
via: Moviehole, Screent Rant & Newsarama
With the script still not finished (it’s due to be done by Christmas) it’s going to be quite a while before we hear anything solid on casting, but Moviehole is reporting another casting rumor has popped up. Apparently, Screen Rant let slip that rumors through the grapevine hint that the star of J.J. Abrams "Star Trek" movie, Chris Pine as a sought-after to play "The Flash"
Chris Pine, who is now involved in both the “Star Trek” and Jack Ryan franchises has his plate pretty full right now and may not have the time to commit to another franchise. I like Chris Pine, he did a decent job in "Star Trek", but I really do not see him playing The Flash. I am really betting on Bradley Cooper to play the Flash, he just fits the Barry Allen character in my mind.
“The Flash” is going to be a very different kinda superhero movie by sounds. Screenwriter Marc Guggenheim tells Newsarama that it’ll even encompass shades of… “Silence of the Lambs”!?
“We’re being true to the whole Barry Allen science police… We’re being true to those origins and updating them for the 21st century. I feel like in many ways the movie is three movies in one. It’s part thriller, that forensic, cool, Seven, Silence of the Lambs; Part superhero movie and part sports movie because there’s an athleticism to this character that other superheroes don’t have… And you get to see how all three of those elements inform each other and make the whole movie even better. It’s sort of like the way in Green Lantern we took a superhero movie and combined it with a space opera, here we’re combining the superhero movie with these other two genres and it’s just a blast.”What do you think of Chris Pine as The Flash? Do you have someone else in mind?
via: Moviehole, Screent Rant & Newsarama
Third Batman Film Gets a Title, and Nolan Confirms That the Riddler is Out.
Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film will be called “The Dark Knight Rises” and though Nolan isn’t ready to reveal the villain of his 2012 film, he did eliminate one member of Batman's rouges gallery: “It won’t be the Riddler,” Nolan said in an exclusive interview with the Hero Complex.
Nolan, who is notoriously silent lipped about his movies, caused quite a stir with the elimination of Edward Nigma, the Riddler, who many people assumed was the next natural choice. This is a bit of a disappointment to us, as we were thrilled to have Nolan erase the painful memories of Jim Carey's ridiculous portrayal of The Riddler in the old Batman films. But Nolan has earned the right to do anything he wants in the next Batman film based on how well he has handled Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.
The title shows the writer-director’s intention to keep his Bruce Wayne trilogy
tightly stitched together. “We’ll use many of the same characters as we
have all along, but we’ll also be introducing some new ones,” Nolan said
Nolan is clearly the man in charge on this film, which is nothing but a good thing in our book. He could put Firefly in the movie, and we'd probably all end up thinking it was cool.
At the end of the day, we're OK with whatever Nolan's vision is. He's earned that level of respect. Besides, we've thought all along that Two Face would probably be the villain in this movie, and as other potential rouges keep getting eliminated, that seems more and more likely.
Nolan, who is notoriously silent lipped about his movies, caused quite a stir with the elimination of Edward Nigma, the Riddler, who many people assumed was the next natural choice. This is a bit of a disappointment to us, as we were thrilled to have Nolan erase the painful memories of Jim Carey's ridiculous portrayal of The Riddler in the old Batman films. But Nolan has earned the right to do anything he wants in the next Batman film based on how well he has handled Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.

Nolan is clearly the man in charge on this film, which is nothing but a good thing in our book. He could put Firefly in the movie, and we'd probably all end up thinking it was cool.
At the end of the day, we're OK with whatever Nolan's vision is. He's earned that level of respect. Besides, we've thought all along that Two Face would probably be the villain in this movie, and as other potential rouges keep getting eliminated, that seems more and more likely.
AMC's THE WALKING DEAD Zombie Invasion has Begun!
The cable network is staging "zombie attacks" in 26 major cities -- hundreds of extras in zombie makeup roaming landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., Big Ben in London, The Prado Museum in Madrid.
The stunts will commence at daybreak in Taipei and Hong Kong on Tuesday, Oct. 26 and moves across the globe during a 24 hour period and culminates at the show’s Los Angeles premiere.
Across the globe, several thousand supporters of the show - sporting dusty, tattered clothing spattered with blood - began with a trance-walk around their favorite city frightening some pedestrians and confusing others.
But nothing would kill their spirit.
via: 411mania, Washington Post & CT Post
NEW DC Comics Superhero Trucker Hats!
Superherostuff (my favorite spot for all my geeky t-shirts, hats, etc.) just started selling Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern trucker hats.
via: Superherostuff & comicbookmovie
Made from 55% Cotton and 45% Polyester, this One Size Fits Most baseball cap features a screen printed image underneath a raised, embroidered Superman shield symbol with a purposely distressed bill. Oh, and check out the red mesh rounding out the back of the hat! COOL! Not sure what's going on here, though. Superman may have had another, "accident." One where an entire city just sort of.......sinks. Anyway, this cool as beans Superman cap also features a plastic snap-band for closure! NEATO!Head over to Superherostuff and take a look at all their hats as well as all the other cool superhero items for sale. If you hurry, you might even be able to find a simple but cool Halloween costume.
via: Superherostuff & comicbookmovie
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Christopher Lee's He-Man Art, Entitled, "Mr. Villains Class of 1983" is in a Class By Itself
Each and every time I stumble upon a piece of art by Christopher Lee, I am taken back at the simplistic beauty and creativity of his drawings. Now, Christopher has blessed me two-fold - his beautiful art combined with one of my favorite all-time animated shows, He-Man.
This work entitled, "Mr. Villains Class of 1983" is power of Grayskulltastc and worthy of MOTU fame! Although, Eternia High looks like a big old sausage fest. At least the Sorceress is a pretty nice piece of cougar ass!
Here's what Christopher had to say about his MOTU creation:
This work entitled, "Mr. Villains Class of 1983" is power of Grayskulltastc and worthy of MOTU fame! Although, Eternia High looks like a big old sausage fest. At least the Sorceress is a pretty nice piece of cougar ass!
Here's what Christopher had to say about his MOTU creation:
Rivet Gallery in Columbus, Ohio invited me to participate in their group art show entitled "We'll Be Right Back...After These Messages". The show pays homage to the classic cartoons of the 80's and early 90's. Those two time periods were the prime of my childhood, so I created a piece that showcases one of my favorite shows from that era...He-Man and The Masters of the Universe. I've been dying to do a fan piece for a while now so this was the perfect way to celebrate nostalgia. This is a giclée print made in a edition of 50.via: Super Punch & Christopher Lee
Neil Gaiman Gets Animated as a Half Breed Cat on Arthur

Neil Gaiman is set to make a visit to Elwood City for a Halloween week guest appearance as himself on the animated PBS series Arthur. Well, himself if he was spliced with some cat DNA.
Gaiman’s role comes in an episode called “Falafelosophy,” inspiring one
of the kids who’s interested in writing and illustrating a graphic
novel. It’s paired with what sounds like a suitable companion story,
“Tales of the Grotesquely Grim Bunny,” about changes on the shelves at
the local comic shop.
luck,” the Sandman
author blogged a couple weeks back, “it’ll have
kids all over the world making their own little graphic novels, and will
usher in the dawn of a new golden age of comics and creativity.”
I confess that in the world of animated TV shows, I've always thought Arthur was, well he kind of sucks. Even my kids agree with me, and they'd watch just about anything on TV.
But it's still cool to see comic book writers cross over into the world of mainstream media, especially for the Gaiman fans of the world.
But if Gaiman thinks he's going to save the world of comic books with this appearance, or that this is a cooler appearance than Alan Moore, Dan Clowes and Art Speigelman doing a comic book store signing in an episode of the Simpsons, then he's clearly dreaming.
Fox and Dreamworks TV Order LOCK & KEY Television Pilot
Fox and Dreamworks TV have given a pilot order to Locke & Key, the mystery thriller based on a comic book by Joe Hill.
If this sounds familiar, that's because the network already made a series committment on paper to the show last month, but the pilot order is the first offiical production step.
Executive producers: Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Heather Kadin, Josh Friedman, Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank and Ted Adam.
via: Hollywood Reporter
Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them…. and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all…! Acclaimed suspense novelist and New York Times best-selling author Joe Hill (Heart-Shaped Box) creates an all-new story of dark fantasy and wonder, with astounding artwork from Gabriel Rodriguez. Hill has received the Bram Stoker Award for Best Fiction Collection, the British Fantasy Award for Best Collection and Best Short Story, and the Sydney J. Bounds Best Newcomer Award-2007, among his growing collection of critical accolades.The Walking Dead and now Locke & Key. Enjoy it comic fans, we're firing on all cylinders and I don't know if can last.
via: Hollywood Reporter
Christopher Nolan in Search for New Female Lead in Batman 3
Hardly earth shattering or breaking new but production of Christopher Nolan's third Batman feature film gathers steam with closed meetings with young fresh faced starlets.
From the quite reliable Comic Book Movie and MovieHole comes this nugget of information.
Could it be Julie Madison, Vicki Vale, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Barbara Gordon? What female character from the Batman Universe would you like to see on the big screen
From the quite reliable Comic Book Movie and MovieHole comes this nugget of information.
Several young (“Late 20′s, early 30′s”) ladies are meeting with the Caped Crusader’s resuscitator this week to talk about the new film. Interestingly enough, quite a few of the ladies don’t actually know what role they’re being asked to read for/meet Nolan about (yep, security is tighter on this thing than the department store Jonathan Switcher worked at in “Mannequin” – Okay, maybe a bit tighter than that) they’ve just accepted an offer to “meet” with the filmmaker. Presumably, they’ll leave the meeting knowing quite a bit more.
I’ve the names of a couple of the young ladies meeting with Nolan, but I’ve checked in with them and they’ve kindly asked me not to name them – at least until they’re convinced they haven’t got the job (fair enough, don’t want to jinx it for anyone). What I can say is that Nolan is open to casting a fresh face as the female lead; he’s not necessarily bringing in the big guns.Again, this "revelation" is anything but breaking news, but just adds to the speculation of what character he is auditioning young ladies for at the moment.
Could it be Julie Madison, Vicki Vale, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Barbara Gordon? What female character from the Batman Universe would you like to see on the big screen
Monday, October 25, 2010
Green Lantern Movie Reveals First Look at the Planet OA
One of the coolest things about any Green Lantern is that unlike most of our other mainstream superheroes, they do most of their work off of the Planet Earth. Sure, Hal Jordan has saved our planet on more than one occasion, but he has a home away from his home planet. The home base of every Green Lantern in the Planet OA, and now we can see for the first time what that planet will look like in the upcoming film.
Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures come two new concept illustrations from the "Green Lantern" Movie depicting Oa.
The first illustration depicts the Crypts of Oa, where fallen Green Lanterns are forever remembered (unless some Black Lantern comes and raises them from the dead). The film's version of the Crypt is a bleak landscape that you probably wouldn't want to walk around alone — unless you had a trusty ring with you, of course. In the comics, the Crypt is watched over by Morro, the defender of Space Sector 0666.
The second illustration is the Guardian's city, essentially the downtown district of Oa. This area is where many of Oa's most important features are, from the Hall of Great Service where the laws and stories that define the Green Lantern Corps are housed, to the watering holes that Guy Gardner is always trying to start, to the home of the iconic Central Power Battery — which may or may not have a little something to do with that green burst of light shining in the middle of the illustration.
We were less than excited about the first images of the Green Lantern Power Battery last week, but our faith is fully restored with these gorgeous shots. Because as much as this earthling appreciates the Green Lanterns of our sector, we still love our Green Lanterns out exploring space and all it has to offer.
Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures come two new concept illustrations from the "Green Lantern" Movie depicting Oa.
The first illustration depicts the Crypts of Oa, where fallen Green Lanterns are forever remembered (unless some Black Lantern comes and raises them from the dead). The film's version of the Crypt is a bleak landscape that you probably wouldn't want to walk around alone — unless you had a trusty ring with you, of course. In the comics, the Crypt is watched over by Morro, the defender of Space Sector 0666.
The second illustration is the Guardian's city, essentially the downtown district of Oa. This area is where many of Oa's most important features are, from the Hall of Great Service where the laws and stories that define the Green Lantern Corps are housed, to the watering holes that Guy Gardner is always trying to start, to the home of the iconic Central Power Battery — which may or may not have a little something to do with that green burst of light shining in the middle of the illustration.
We were less than excited about the first images of the Green Lantern Power Battery last week, but our faith is fully restored with these gorgeous shots. Because as much as this earthling appreciates the Green Lanterns of our sector, we still love our Green Lanterns out exploring space and all it has to offer.
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