Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nude Model Violet Molests an Iron Man Toy - Very NSFW!

Damn.  Iron Man has all the luck with the ladies. 

In what can only be described as a very strange, and very NSFW video, nude model Violet Erotica makes love to an Iron Man plush toy.  Now Violet is pretty damn hot, so we're willing to overlook the possible furry fetish. 

Seriously Violet, it's kind of weird. 
Of course, it's also kind of hot.
Still, you should probably talk to someone. 

Brokeback Mountain - Jonah Hex Mashup

We haven't seen Jonah Hex yet, but gfest can guarentee you that we will.  With Megan Fox playing a prostitute in the movie we are also expecting a whole lot of sex appeal.  The Artist know as Eddie must have thought the same thing, although not about Megan Fox. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

WTF is Wrong with Jessica Alba & Her Creepy Little Dolls?

Sweet Jesus!  I remember back in the day all Gfest could think about was Jessica Alba.  I saw Sin City many, many times.  Then she got married (mistake #1) had a child (mistake #2) and kinda dropped of the radar.

Jessica comes back into the spotlight with this?  She is just creeping Gfest the hell out with this photohoot from Genlux magazine featuring these freaky dolls.

You want to know the worst part?  She looks so god damn hot.  I mean really, really, really hot.  And, I hate dolls (ever since chuckie).

First Look at Mattel Vintage/Retro DC Super Heroes Wave 2

You remember the Green Arrow figure in the Retro-Action DC line?  Probably not because it sold-out so god damn quick nobody got one.   Why wouldn't it?  Gfest loves the look of the old MEGO figures from the 1970s.

Thankfully, Mattel realized the demand for these beautiful retro figures and will soon release a new wave. The company posted photos of the Wave 2 collection that features Batman, Two-Face, Aquaman, and Black Manta. (via matty collector)

Megan Fox is Armani's New Lingerie Model

Megan Fox has been named the Armani Girl.  You ask what does this have to do with Gfest?  It really has nothing to do with Gfest except we can look forward to more pictures of Megan Fox like the one posted here.  Happy Weekend!

Larfleeze and Mr. Spock Make a Highly Illogical Duo

Mr. Spock certainly has plenty of experience dealing with alien races, but we doubt he's ever run into anything as formidible as the Orange Lantern Larfleeze.  Why the met on a disco dance floor is beyond me, but its darn funny.  

Franco Aureliani of Tiny Titans fame is to thank for this masterpiece.   

Did Heroclix Just Give Us a Brightest Day Spoiler? has just announced a Brightest Day follow up set to the just released Blackest Night Starter Pack.  (as a sidenote, gfest owns the Blackest Night set and we love it).  Click on the Heroclix on the side for a large image.

Coming in October of this year, the set will be a similar seven piece starter set. The most interesting figure of the set though is J'onn J'onnz, who is shown as being half black lantern.  

For those reading Brightest Day, its obvious that something is amiss with the heroes and villians who returned from the dead.  But are they REALLY returned from the dead?  Seems like you can't technically be alive if you're half Black Lantern

Brokeback Falcon

Legofenris has wonderful lego minifigure pictures on his flickr site.  It's hard to pick just one to post but as Gfest was scrolling though all the pictures this one caught our attention.  We couldn't stop laughing.

The caption under the picture is terribly funny as well.  "I swear to god, Han, if you don't tell her by tomorrow, I'll be gone... dump Leia or no more furry love. Choose... "

Head over to Legofenris and check out all his wonderfully clever photos.

The Missing Blackest Night/Brightest Day Tie-In Found

The cover of Scooby-Doo #150 features the tag line, โ€œDarkness Falls On Scooby-Dooโ€ฆAs Mystery, Inc Face Their Blackest Knight Yet!โ€ It was released in November of 2009, when Geoff John's eight-part Blackest Night mega event was just in the beginning stages. 

Scooby-Doo is, of course, part of DCโ€™s unofficial Johnny DC imprint, and as such never subject to whatโ€™s going on in the DC Universe , but Gfest thinks they're may be clues to about Blackest Night or Brightest Day in this book.

Maybe Gfest just ate way too many scooby snacks. if not a Blackest Night tie-in proper, DC was at least going for a joking allusion to the biggest DCU story at the time.

source via comics alliance

Supervillian Giganta Found Murdered - RIP

Giganta, the longtime enemy of Wonder Woman and an occasional foil for The Atom was found murdered and dismembered this morning.  Her body was left on display in a public plaza. 
Giganta possessed the superhuman ability to increase her physical size and mass, effectively transforming into a giantess.

Batgirl Has Fallen on Hard Times Without Bruce Wayne

Batgirl may be looking a little sloppy in this picture, and she's picked up a nasty little habit with the cigarettes, but who is gfest to judge how members of the Batman family deal with the loss of Bruce Wayne.

What we can say, is that a slightly damaged Batgirl is pretty damn sexy.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

NEW Trailer for the Smurfs Movie Isn't Very Smurfy

The live action Smurfs movie is coming next summer and today a trailer was released for the movie.  The trailer is less than a minute long and is basically pointless, but if you're feeling extra smurfy on this Thursday afternoon, feel free to watch it.

NEW Brightest Day #5 Variant Covers

DC Comics released two wonderful variant covers for Brightest Day #5.  The cover art has become the best part of the Brightest Day storyline.

Four issues into this bi-monthly series and Gfest has yet determine the significance of this story as it relates to the DC Universe.

DC Comics hit the lottery on 52 and has been playing the same numbers ever since in the hopes of hitting it again.

Despite the storyline, Ivan Reis and David Finch have produced some wonderful cover art.  enjoy.

New Variant Cover Justice League Generation Lost #5

The best aspect of the Blackest Night storyline was the return of Maxwell Lord.  With the exception of Martian Manhunter, Gfest could give a damn about all the other characters that returned from the "dead."

As much as it pains Gfest to give Dan Didio any compliments, the Justice League Generation Lost series has been top notch thus far, surpassing any thing going in Brightest Day.

So enjoy this Variant cover to Justice League Generation Lost #5 by Tony Harris.  It's a fantastic picture of Maxwell Lord.

Batman Does it Again - Waldo Has Been Found

The question of "Where's Waldo" no longer needs to be asked.  The search for Waldo has been going on for decades with millions of people engaged in the search.  At times, he has been spotted only to be lost again. 

That was until Batman took the case.  He found Waldo in 2.46 seconds.

E3 2010 - Guitar Hero Sequel Announced - Vuvuzela Hero!

Now you too can Rock Out with your Vuvu Out with the hottest game announcement to come out of E3 2010 - its Vuvuzela Hero! 
We hear the expert mode is killer.
Image source

Promo Posters for Finding Nemo 2

The one benefit of the gulf crisis is the non-stop creative and funny pictures that folks have churned-out.  You can find additional funny 'Finding Nemo 2' BP oil posters after the jump.  Thanks to for the pics.

Spiderman Back in Quack #1 - Skottie Young Cover

Hidden deep in the Marvel Fall solicitations is a comic that should have been at the top of the list - Spiderman Back in Quack #1 .  I mean just for the Skottie Young cover art alone it is worth the buy.  Plus, who doesn't like Howard the Duck?  Marvel's Solicit Reads,
"Presenting two of Marvel's finest: Spider-Man and ... Cynical Duck (TM)? Yes, Howard the Duck's brain has been thoroughly scrubbed, his hard-edged humor carefully dulled down for maximum demographic acceptance. It's up to Peter Parker to set the duck straight -- but does the world prefer Howard this way? Guest-starring the villainy of SOOPhI, the utter cluelessness of Mayor J. Jonah Jameson, and the unnerving eroticism of "Swizzle," SOOPhI's whip-wielding corporate spokeswoman. So wrong it's ... well, no, it's still wrong, courtesy of Stuart Moore (NAMOR) and Mark Brooks (YOUNG AVENGERS). Plus: a tiny-size Man-Thing backup feature by Stuart Moore & Joe Suitor (MARVEL BREAKOUT)!  40 PGS./One-Shot/Rated A ...$3.99"Show all

Seth MacFarlane: The Genius Formula

Hmm, Gfest  sees a pattern here.  Can't quite figure it out, but we are working on it.  Thanks to afternoonsnoozebutton for this funny image.

Cartoon Network Reveals New Looney Toons

The full line up of new-look Looney Tunes has been unveiled from designer Jessica Borutski who redesigned them for the upcoming animated TV series for the Cartoon Network, The Looney Tunes Show. She writes;
"Here they are!! Man I had fun drawing these guys, I love this job SOOO MUCH!!Marisol and Petunia are my personal favorites.
I gave them slightly different proportions that emphasize things I always liked about the characters. An example is Bugsโ€™ feet. I streamlined them and made them bigger. I thought it would look awesome in a walk cycle and be really fun to animate in general.
I spent six months creating a show bibleโ€ฆnew turnarounds, notes and drawings showing the new designsโ€ฆ"

Legend of Zelda Art - Link Holds a Garage Sale

Gfest found this fantastic picture of Link from the Legend of Zelda over at Dorkly and had to share it with you.  As a huge Zelda fan that has played every game, the picture hits home.  It's difficult to keep track of all the items (hook-shot, bow and arrow, boots, glove, bracelet, bombs, etc.).  We could not find the artist behind this creative picture, so please let us know so we can give you the proper credit.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

AT&T We Drops Calls and Pre-Orders

The iPhone 4 order disaster continues, now with a new delay after AT&T suspended all sales for the device. The iPhone 4 arrival was delayed to July 2 for many pre-orders already. Now there's a new date: July 14.

Verizon, PLEASE!

EXCLUSIVE: Walking Dead Pictures - Zombies Everywhere

Yesterday we got a teaser image of Andrew Lincoln portraying police officer Rick Grimes in AMC's adaptation of The Walking Dead.

Today we get a picture of a whole lot of Zombies and damn if they don't look real good.

Gfest can't wait for this series to begin.  It looks sooooooooooo good!

iZombie #5 Cover Art Best We've Seen

Michael Allred produced one of the best comic book covers, Gfest has seen in along, long time.  It's original. It's creative. It's beautiful. It's iZombie #5.  Enjoy the preview.  iZombie #5 will be available in September.

FIrst Picture of Smurfs from the Movie Set

The USA Today revealed this image from Raja Gosnell's live action/CGI Smurf Movie.  According to Aint it Cool News, the first trailer for the film will arrive sometime tomorrow over at Yahoo. 

Smurfs in time square, who would of thunk it.

EXCLUSIVE: DC Comics Live Action Blue Beetle TV Images

DC Comics to the surprise of Gfest released some live action screen shots of Blue Beetle transforming. These images are going to be played a 2010 SDCC in the hopes  of bringing a Blue Beetle story to the small screen.

The Source says the Blue Beetle TV show isnโ€™t final or hasn't been greenlit, but we will keep our fingers crossed that we get to see more of this story not only at SDCC but hopefully on the small screen soon.

To see all the Blue Beetle test images click on read more.

The Darkwing Duck - Batman Mashup You've Been Waiting For

Matt Loves Comics provides us with this truly awesome mashup entitled The Duck Knight Returns.  The fanboys cries for a Darkwing Duck and Batman crossover have finally been anwered!

New Handheld Laser is Basically a Lightsaber

It looks like we are really, really close to lightsabers becoming a reality. The Spyder III, is the world's most powerful portable laser. This thing is already a weapon! It can permanently blind you and set things on fire almost instantly.

And the laser only costs $200 bucks! Sounds to use like we just ended the War on Terror.  Get every member of our military one these today.  Hell, the Pentagon spends $200 on ashtrays.  This purchase is a no brainer.  Check out the images of the laser below.