Neil Gaiman is set to make a visit to Elwood City for a Halloween week guest appearance as himself on the animated PBS series Arthur. Well, himself if he was spliced with some cat DNA.
I confess that in the world of animated TV shows, I've always thought Arthur was, well he kind of sucks. Even my kids agree with me, and they'd watch just about anything on TV.
But it's still cool to see comic book writers cross over into the world of mainstream media, especially for the Gaiman fans of the world.
But if Gaiman thinks he's going to save the world of comic books with this appearance, or that this is a cooler appearance than Alan Moore, Dan Clowes and Art Speigelman doing a comic book store signing in an episode of the Simpsons, then he's clearly dreaming.
I don't mind Author, but it is for kids at about the kindergarten level.