Monday, July 12, 2010

Jim Lee's X-MEN Toilet

We at Gfest love comic book art in all forms. That goes double when you're talking about the art of Jim Lee. ONe of the fine members of eBay shares our love and has decorated a toilet of all things with art from Jim Lee's X-Men #1.  Surprisingly, the results were pretty awesome.

X-Men #1 (1991) is the number one selling comic book of all time, selling over 7 MILLION copies. It was released with 4 variant covers and a "deluxe" edition with a gatefold cover and glossy pages.  One of each of the variants along with a deluxe, gave their lives to decorate this '70s era Standard American toilet.

The issues were deconstructed, panel by panel, cover by cover using scissors and X-Acto blades. Hundreds of separate images were glued to every square inch (other than water holes) of the bowl, tank, seat, and lids.
Bidding starts at only $400! 


  1. Wow inside the bowl. would you use this or would it be something that sat around as a conversation piece. Either way it rocks.

  2. It finally landed at Back to the Past Pop Culture outside of Detroit, and it will be exhibited, but not used....
